Traitement En Médecine Chinoise

One of the most important principles in TCM is called Bian Zhen Shi Zhi (辨证施治), which means “to identify and treat the root cause for each patient”. The following section contains more information concerning the common pathologies and treatment orientations of female infertility:

TCM Pathology Typical Symptoms Potential Causes
Kidney Yang Deficiency Inability to conceive, prolonged menstrual cycles, small volume of pale menstrual discharge (in some cases amenorrhea), accompanied by dull complexion, lassitude, cold extremities, lower backache, and weakness of the legs, poor libido, copious clear urine, and formless stools. Overexposure to cold weather, overeating of cold food, constitutional deficiency, stressful and sedentary lifestyle.
Kidney & Spleen Deficiency In addition to all symptoms for Kidney Yang Deficiency, low appetite, bloating, frequent loose stool, cold sensation in mid and lower abdomen. In addition to all symptoms for Kidney Yang Deficiency, low appetite, bloating, frequent loose stool, cold sensation in mid and lower abdomen. Same as the above.
Kidney Yin Deficiency Inability to conceive, shortened menstrual cycles, a scanty menstrual discharge that is red in color and contains no blood clots, emaciation, weak aching lower back and legs, dizziness and vertigo, blurred vision, palpitations, insomnia, dry mouth, and afternoon fever. Constitutional deficiency, chronic disease, abortions and miscarriages, multiple childbirths, overly taxing lifestyle, drug abuse, aging, and chronic malnutrition.
Liver Qi Stagnation Inability to conceive, irregular menstrual cramps, difficult menstrual flow, scanty dark menstrual discharge containing blood clots, premenstrual breast or abdominal distention, depression and irritability. Mental stress, sedentary lifestyle, substance abuse (cigarette, alcohol, medication, drugs…), large consumption of medication, stressful life and sedentary style.
Phlegm-Damp Obstruction Inability to conceive, overweight, prolonged menstrual cycles, amenorrhea in severe cases, copious thick vaginal discharge, pale complexion, dizziness and vertigo, palpitations, and nausea. Overweight, overexposure to cold weather, overconsumption of cold food (in temperature and energetically).
Blood Stasis Inability to conceive, prolonged menstrual cycles, scanty blackish purple menstrual discharge with blood clots, menstrual cramps, lower abdominal pain, aggravated by palpation. Overexposure to cold weather, overconsumption of cold food, sedentary lifestyle, and chronic malnutrition.